Ponnatharam [Raw]


First quality pure ponatharam (பொன்னாதரம்)

  • Ponnatharam a  perfect hair removal stone.
  • Ponnatharam is used to remove unwanted hair naturally.
  • This hair removal method is one of the most effective hair removal techniques that have no side effects and skin irritation. It removes hair safely and gently.


Guaranteed Safe Checkout

How to Use?

  • Take a piece of Ponnatharam stone  and  rub the stone with milk or water to make  a paste.
  • Then apply the paste uniformly on the areas where you want to remove the hair.
  • Allow the paste to dry for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • After that, scrub and massage the applied portion for a few seconds and wash it off.
  • Follow the above listed steps for about two weeks and then reduce it to twice a week.
  • All the unwanted hairs in your body will be removed completely without leaving any smallest hair.

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