Jeerakarishtam 450 ml


Jeerakarishtam is an most effective Ayurvedic medicine used in postnatal care. It is one of the ancinet medicines and often included as part of Ayurvedic diet after child birth. Jeerakarishtam is also known as Jeerakadyarishtam, Jeerakadyarishta, etc.

Brand :  The Arya Vaidya  Pharmacy (AVP)

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Benefits of Jeerakadyrishtam

  • Jeerakarishtam is an effective Ayurvedic medicine after delivery.
  • It helps to improve the strength of the mother, after delivery.
  • It helps in normal involution of uterus, promotes lactation and immunity of the mother.
  •  It also keeps mother away from cold and infections.
  • Jeerakarishtam is also used in the treatment of frequent passing of stools, diarrhea, indigestion etc.


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